Network Resilience
Network Resilience
[1] Gao, J., Barzel, B., & Barabási, A. L. (2016). Universal resilience patterns in complex networks. Nature, 530(7590), 307-312.[2] Zeng, G., Gao, J., Shekhtman, L., Guo, S., Lv, W., Wu, J., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2020). Multiple metastable network states in urban traffic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117(30), 17528-17534.[3] Zhang, H., Liu, X., Wang, Q., Zhang, W., & Gao, J. (corresponding author) (2020). Co-adaptation enhances the resilience of mutualistic networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17(168), 20200236.[4] Zhang, Y., Shao, C., He, S., J. Gao (corresponding author) (2020) Resilience centrality in complex networks. Physical Review E, 101, 022304.[5] H. Sanhedrai, J. Gao, M. Schwartz, S. Havlin, B. Barzel. Reviving a failed network via microscopic interventions. Nature Physics, 1-12, 2022.[6] C. Ma, G. Korniss, B. K. Szymanski, and J. Gao. Universality of noise-induced resilience restoration of ecological systems. Communication Physics, 4 (262), 1-12, 2021.[7] Liu, X., Li, D., Ma, M., Szymanski, B. K., Stanley, H. E., & Gao, J. (2022). Network resilience. Physics Reports, 971, 1-108.[8] Sanhedrai, H., Gao, J., Bashan, A., Schwartz, M., Havlin, S., & Barzel, B. (2022). Reviving a failed network through microscopic interventions. Nature Physics, 18(3), 338-349.[9] Macy, M. W., Ma, M., Tabin, D. R., Gao, J., & Szymanski, B. K. (2021). Polarization and tipping points. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(50), e2102144118.
Incomplete Graph (ML & AI)
Incomplete Graph (ML & AI)
[1] Jiang, C., Gao, J., & Magdon-Ismail, M. (2020). Inferring Degrees from Incomplete Networks and Nonlinear Dynamics. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). (Full Oral)[2] Jiang, C., J. Gao, Magdon-Ismail, M. (2020). “True Nonlinear Dynamics from Incomplete Networks” Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York, NY, USA, (Full oral).[3] Li, D., & J. Gao (corresponding author) (2019). Towards perturbation prediction of biological networks using deep learning. Nature Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-9.
Infrastructure Networks
Infrastructure Networks
[1] Wang, W., Yang, S., Stanley, H.E., J. Gao (2019). “Local floods induce large-scale abrupt failures of road networks.” Nature Communications, 10(1), 2114.[2] Dong, S., Wang, H., Mostafavi, A., & J. Gao (2019). Robust component: a robustness measure that incorporates access to critical facilities under disruptions. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(157), 20190149.[3] Zeng, G., Gao, J., Shekhtman, L., Guo, S., Lv, W., Wu, J., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2020). Multiple metastable network states in urban traffic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117(30), 17528-17534.[4] Wang, W., Yang, S., Gao, J., Hu, F., Zhao, W., & Stanley, H. E. (2020). An Integrated Approach for Assessing the Impact of Large‐Scale Future Floods on a Highway Transport System. Risk Analysis, 40(9), 1780-1794.[5] Dong, S., Mostafizi, A., Wang, H., Gao, J., & Li, X. (2020). Measuring the topological robustness of transportation networks to disaster-induced failures: A percolation approach. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26(2), 04020009.[6] Chen, C. Y., Zhao, Y., Gao, J., & Stanley, H. E. (2020). Nonlinear model of cascade failure in weighted complex networks considering overloaded edges. Nature Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-12.[7] S. Dong, X. Gao, A. Mostafavi, J. Gao. Modest flooding can trigger catastrophic road network collapse due to compound failure, Communications Earth & Environment, Accepted.[8] Y. He, X. Yue, S. Lindbergh, J. Gao, C. Graves, J. Rakas. Dissecting lightning strike hazard impact patterns to National Airspace System facilities in the contiguous United States. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 91, 101735 (2022).
Political Polarization
Political Polarization
[1] Gu, Y., Sun, Y., and J. Gao (2017). “The Co-Evolution Model for Social Network Evolving and Opinion Migration.” ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD).[2] Lu, X., J. Gao, & Szymanski, B. K. (2019). The evolution of polarization in the legislative branch of government. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(156), 20190010.[3] M. W. Macy, M. Ma, D. R. Tabin, J. Gao, B.K. Szymanski. Polarization and tipping points. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(50), e2102144118, 2021.
Human Mobility/Networks
Human Mobility/Networks
[1] Huang, Z., Wang, P., Zhang, F., J. Gao, & Schich, M. (2018). A mobility network approach to identify and anticipate large crowd gatherings. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 114, 147-170.[2] Zhou, Z., Szymanski, B. K., & Gao, J. (2020). Modeling competitive evolution of multiple languages. PloS one, 15(5), e0232888.[3] Q. Zhang, J. Gao, J. T. Wu, Z. Cao, and D. D. Zeng. Data Science Approaches to Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.380: 20210127(2022).[4] H. He, H. Deng, Qi. Wang, J. Gao. Percolation of temporal hierarchical mobility networks during COVID-19 (Featured as cover story). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.380: 20210116 (2022).[5] H. Deng, J. Gao, Q. Wang, Finding adaptive bridges of mobility network in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Plos One, 16(11): e0258868 (2021).[6] Y. Wang, A. Ristea, M. Amiri, D. Dooley, F. J. Fowler; S. Gibbons; H. Grabowski; L. Hargraves, N. Kovacevic; A. Roman; R. K. Schutt; J. Gao; Q. Wang, D. T. O'Brien. Vaccination Intentions Generate Racial Disparities in the Societal Persistence of COVID-19. Scientific Reports 11:19906 (2021)[7] H. Deng, D. P. Aldrich, M. M. Danziger, J. Gao, N. E. Phillips, S. P. Cornelius, and Q. Wang. "High-resolution human mobility data reveal race and wealth disparities in disaster evacuation patterns." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8, no. 1 (2021): 1-8.[8] L. Zhong, M Diagne, W. Wang, and J. Gao (2021) "Country distancing reveals the effectiveness of travel restrictions during COVID-19." Communications Physics, (2021)4:121,[9] J. Yang, Q. Zhang, Z. Cao, J. Gao, D. Pfeiffer, L. Zhong, & D. D. Zeng, The impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the prevention and control of COVID-19 in New York City (Featured, Editor's choice), Chaos 31 (2021): 021101.[10] Li, W., Wang, Q., Liu, Y., Small, M. L., & Gao, J. (2022). A spatiotemporal decay model of human mobility when facing large-scale crises. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(33), e2203042119.
Network of Networks
Network of Networks
[1] Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Havlin, S., & Stanley, H. E. (2011). Robustness of a network of networks. Physical Review Letters, 107(19), 195701.[2] Huang, X., Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Havlin, S., & Stanley, H. E. (2011). Robustness of interdependent networks under targeted attack. Physical Review E, 83(6), 065101.[3] Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Stanley, H. E., & Havlin, S. (2012). Networks formed from interdependent networks. Nature physics, 8(1), 40-48.[4] Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Havlin, S., & Stanley, H. E. (2012). Robustness of a network formed by n interdependent networks with a one-to-one correspondence of dependent nodes. Physical Review E, 85(6), 066134.[5] Dong, G., Gao, J., Tian, L., Du, R., & He, Y. (2012). Percolation of partially interdependent networks under targeted attack. Physical Review E, 85(1), 016112.[6] Zhou, D., Gao, J., Stanley, H. E., & Havlin, S. (2013). Percolation of partially interdependent scale-free networks. Physical Review E, 87(5), 052812.[7] Gao, J., Buldyrev, S. V., Stanley, H. E., Xu, X., & Havlin, S. (2013). Percolation of a general network of networks. Physical Review E, 88(6), 062816.[8] Gao, J., Li, D., & Havlin, S. (2014). From a single network to a network of networks. National Science Review, 1(3), 346-356.[9] Havlin, S., Kenett, D. Y., Bashan, A., Gao, J., & Stanley, H. E. (2014). Vulnerability of network of networks. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223(11), 2087-2106.[10] Havlin, S., Stanley, H. E., Bashan, A., Gao, J., & Kenett, D. Y. (2015). Percolation of interdependent network of networks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 72, 4-19.[11] Gao, J., Liu, X., Li, D., & Havlin, S. (2015). Recent progress on the resilience of complex networks. Energies, 8(10), 12187-12210.[12] Liu, X., Peng, H., & Gao, J.* (2015). Vulnerability and controllability of networks of networks. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 80, 125-138.[13] Liu, X., Stanley, H. E., & Gao, J.* (2016). Breakdown of interdependent directed networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(5), 1138-1143.[14] Panduranga, N. K., J. Gao, Yuan, X., Stanley, H. E., & Havlin, S. (2017). Generalized model for k-core percolation and interdependent networks. Physical Review E, 96(3), 032317.[15] Duan, D., Lv, C. Si, S., Wang, Z, Li, D., J. Gao, Havlin, S., Stanley, H. E., and Boccaletti, S. (2019). "Universal behavior of cascading failures in interdependent networks." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 116, no. 45: 22452-22457.[16] An, F., Gao, X., Liu, N., Wang, Z., Li, Y., J. Gao, & Stanley, H. E. (2019). Cluster-based topological features of nodes in a multiplex network — from a network of networks perspective. New Journal of Physics, 21(10), 103014.[17] Zhang, H., Zhang, W., & J. Gao (2019). Synchronization of interconnected heterogeneous networks: The role of network sizes. Nature Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-12.[18] Liu, X., Pan, L., Stanley, H. E., & J. Gao (2019). Multiple phase transitions in networks of directed networks. Physical Review E, 99(1), 012312.[19] Chen, S., Gao, Y., Liu, X., Gao, J. (corresponding author), & Havlin, S. (2020). Robustness of interdependent networks based on bond percolation. Europhysics Letters, 130(3), 38003.[20] X. Liu, E. Maiorino, A. Halu, K. Glass, R. B. Prasad, J. Loscalzo, J. Gao, & A. Sharma. "Robustness and lethality in multilayer biological molecular networks." Nature Communications 11, no. 1 (2020): 1-12.[21] A. Feng, S. Wu, X. Gao, H. E. Stanley, J. Gao. A quantifying method of non-failure cascading spreading in a network of networks, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31, 123122, 2021.[22] Y. Gao, S. Chen, J. Zhou, H. E. Stanley, & J. Gao. Percolation of edge-coupled interdependent networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 126136, (2021).[23] Chen, C. Y., Zhao, Y., Qin, H., Meng, X., & Gao, J. (2022). Robustness of interdependent scale-free networks based on link addition strategies. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 604, 127851.
Network Control
Network Control
[1] Gao, J., Liu, Y. Y., D'souza, R. M., & Barabási, A. L. (2014). Target control of complex networks. Nature communications, 5(1), 1-8.[2] Pósfai, M., Gao, J., Cornelius, S. P., Barabási, A. L., & D'Souza, R. M. (2016). Controllability of multiplex, multi-time-scale networks. Physical Review E, 94(3), 032316.[3] Liu, X., Pan, L., Stanley, H. E., & Gao, J. (2017). Controllability of giant connected components in a directed network. Physical Review E, 95(4), 042318.[4] Rajaei, R., Bagheri, A., Ramezani, A., Cornelius, S. P., & J. Gao (2018, June). Designing pinning network controllability for interdependent dynamical networks. In 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 3478-3483). IEEE.[5] Guo, W. F., Zhang, S. W., Zeng, T., Li, Y., J. Gao, & Chen, L. (2019). A novel network control model for identifying personalized driver genes in cancer. PLoS computational biology, 15(11).[6] X. Niu, C. Jiang, J. Gao, G. Korniss, and B. Szymanski. "From data to complex network control of airline flight delays." Scientific reports 11, no. 1 (2021): 1-10. [7] C. Brissette, X. Niu, C. Jiang, J. Gao, G. Korniss, and B. Szymanski. "Heuristic assessment of choices for risk network control." Scientific Reports 11, no. 1 (2021): 1-8.[8] Meng, H., Zhang, H. T., Gao, J., & Lv, J. Event‐triggered robust output regulation for nonlinear systems: A time regularization approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.
Collective Motion
Collective Motion
[1] Gao, J.*, Chen, Z., Cai, Y., & Xu, X. (2010). Enhancing the convergence efficiency of a self-propelled agent system via a weighted model. Physical Review E, 81(4), 041918.[2] Gao, J.*, Havlin, S., Xu, X., & Stanley, H. E. (2011). Angle restriction enhances the synchronization of self-propelled objects. Physical Review E, 84(4), 046115.[3] Peng, H., Zhao, D., Liu, X., & Gao, J.* (2015). Collective motion in a network of self-propelled agent systems. PloS one, 10(12).[4] Zhang, H., Fan, M. C., Wu, Y., J. Gao, Stanley, H. E., Zhou, T., & Yuan, Y. (2018). Ultrafast Synchronization via Local Observation. New Journal of Physics.[5] H. Zhang, W. Zhang, J. Gao. (2018) The Critical Penetration Level in Oscillator-Based Smart Grid. Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES), (pp.) IEEE.[6] Zhang, H., Zhang, W., & J. Gao (2019). Synchronization of interconnected heterogeneous networks: The role of network sizes. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-12.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
[4] Cho, J. H., & Gao, J.* (2016). Cyber war game in temporal networks. PloS one, 11(2).
Other networks
Other networks
[1] Chen, Z., Gao, J., Cai, Y., & Xu, X. (2011). Evolution of cooperation among mobile agents. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(9), 1615-1622.[2] Chen, Z., Gao, J., Cai, Y., & Xu, X. (2011). Evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game in flocks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(1), 50-56.[3] X. Meng, J. Gao, and S. Havlin. "Concurrence Percolation in Quantum Networks." Physical Review Letters, 126.17 (2021): 170501.[4] C. Jiang, B. K. Szymanski, J. Lian, S. Havlin, and J. Gao. "Nuclear reaction network unveils novel reaction patterns based on stellar energies." New Journal of Physics 23, no. 8 (2021): 083035.