Media & Arts
[27] Simpler Math Predicts How Close Ecosystems Are to Collapse, March 2023 (Link)
[26] Gauging the Resilience of Complex Networks, Jan. 2022 (Link)
[25] Model Sets Minimum Restrictions Needed To Control COVID-19 Given Vaccination Rate, July 2021(Link)
[24] The new COVID-19 model reveals the effectiveness of travel restrictions, June 2021 (Link)
[23] School closures may not reduce coronavirus deaths as much as expected, Feb 2021 (Link)
[22] Forces Behind Growing Political Polarization in Congress Revealed in New Model, July 2019 (Link)
[21] Just a small increase in precipitation could cause widespread road outages, May 2019 (Link)
[20] "The Complex Networks of Our Planet'', Next Nature Net, April 25, 2016. (Link)
[19] "Resilience and complex systems (Translated from Italy)'', Alekoslab, April 17, 2016. (Link)
[18] "Prophecy given to scientists: when the extinction of bees? (Translated from Hebrew)'', YNET, Mar. 25, 2016. (Link)
[17] "How resilient is a complex system? Is it near collapse?'', The Connectivist, Mar. 17, 2016. (Link)
[16] "Patterns of Resilience and Collapse'', Andrew Zolli, Mar. 13, 2016. (Link)
[15] "Predicting the resiliency `tipping points' of complex natural and social systems'', Resilient Investor, Mar. 9, 2016. (Link)
[14] "Network Earth'', Ecology, Mar. 8, 2016. (Link)
[13] "A 5-minute video shows why the social network of plants and animals is so fragile (Translated from German)'', WIRED, Feb. 26, 2016. (Link)
[12] "What are the complex networks? (Translated from Italy)'', WIRED, Feb. 25, 2016. (Link)
[11] "We're Pushing Nature's Network Architecture To A Catastrophic Crash -- Nature can compensate for failure. Until one too many things go wrong.'', Fastcodesign News, Feb. 23, 2016. (Link)
[10] "From Coral Reefs To Power Grids, This Math Tool Can Predict Whether A System Will Collapse'', Forbes News, Feb. 22, 2016. (Link)
[9] "Watch: Can nature handle many more extinctions?'', Siliconrepublic News, Feb. 22, 2016. (Link)
[8] "Social network of Earth's plants and animals'', Flowing Data, Feb. 22, 2016.(Link)
[7] "Calculating Nature's Tipping Point '', Geo Lounge, Feb. 21, 2016. (Link)
[6] "Witness the Stunning Complexity of Network Earth'', Stash Media, Feb. 19, 2016. (Link)
[5] "Researchers find the tipping point between resilience and collapse in complex systems'', Northeastern News, Feb.17, 2016. (Link)
[4] "Network Earth'', Youtube, Nature Video, Feb. 17, 2016. (Link)
[3] "Scientists review: worldwide rise of 'network of networks' '', Phys Org, Dec. 3, 2014. (Link)
[2] "When Networks Network", Science News, Sep. 7, 2012. (Link)
[1] "Tom Siegfried, Randomness: Networks of networks are all around you -- and you are one", Science News, Feb. 6, 2012. (Link)