Gao Lab
[Feb 2025] Our paper "Adaptive capacity reveals multimodal transport network resilience to extreme floods" has been accepted in Nature Sustainability. Congratulations to Chunhong and Weiping.
[Jan 2025] Our paper "Unveiling the Importance of Non-Shortest Paths in Quantum Networks" has been accepted in Science Advances. Congratulations to Xinqi.
[Jan 2025] Our paper "Can a bottleneck capacity enhancement policy postpone infrastructure network collapse?" has been published in Transport Policy. Congratulations to Tianlei.
[Dec 2024] Our papers "Modular Prompt Learning Improves Vision-Language Models" and "EMO: Epigraph Based Multilevel Optimization for Enhancing Chain of Thought Reasoning Capabilities" have been accepted by ICASSP 2025. Congratulations to Zhenhan and Yanna.
[Dec 2024] Our paper "Architecture-Aware Learning Curve Extrapolation via Graph Ordinary Differential Equation" has been accepted by AAAI 2025. Congratulations to Yanna.
[Sep 2024] Our paper "Deep learning resilience inference for complex networked systems" has been accepted in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Chang Liu, Fengli Xu, and all co-authors.
[Aug 2024] Our paper "Extinction Chains Reveal Intermediate Phases Between the Safety and Collapse in Mutualistic Ecosystems" has been published in Engineering.
[May 2024] Congratulations to Dimitri for receiving the Podium Award and the Master's Poster Award.
[May 2024] Our paper "Healthcare System Resilience and Adaptability to Pandemic Disruptions in the United States" has been accepted in Nature Medicine. Congratulations to Lu and Dimitri.
[Apr 2024] Our paper "Network Properties Determine Neural Network Performance" has been accepted by Nature Communications. Congratulations to Chunheng and Zhenhan, as well as all my co-authors.
[Feb 2024] Our paper "Predicting multiple observations in complex systems through low-dimensional embeddings" has been accepted by Nature Communications. Congratulations to Tao.
[Jan 2024] Our paper "Efficient parameter inference in networked dynamical systems via steady states: A surrogate objective function approach integrating mean-field and nonlinear least squares" has been accepted by Phys. Rev. E. Congratulations to Yanna.
[Dec 2023] Thanks to IBM AIRCI for supporting our research on "Foundational Models for Understanding Tabular Data Through AI Automation."
[Nov 2023] Our paper "Intrinsic simplicity of complex systems" was accepted in Nature Physics.
[Nov 2023] Our paper "Learning Network Dynamics from Steady States. " was published in the 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).
[Aug 2023] Our paper "The Immense Impact of Reverse Edges on Large Hierarchical Networks" was published in Engineering.
[April 2023] Our paper "Characterizing resilience of flood-disrupted dynamic transportation network through the lens of link reliability and stability" was published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
[April 2023] Our paper "Deterministic entanglement distribution on series-parallel quantum networks" was published in Phys. Rev. Research.
[Mar 2023] A nice News article discusses our paper on Nature Ecology and Evolution.
[Jan 2023] Our paper "Reconstructing Sparse Multiplex Networks with Application to Covert Networks" was published in Entropy. It was featured in an edition of Entropy titled "Editor's Choice Articles". For more detailed information, please visit the following link:
[Dec 2022] I got a promotion to Associate Professor with tenure.
[Oct 2022] Jinzhu will join UT Arlington as a tenure-track faculty. Congratulations.
[Sep 2022] Our Book "Introduction to Networks of Networks" is published online today. Congratulations to all co-authors.
[Aug 2022] Shlomo Havlin is going to visit us in December.
[Jun 2022] Our paper "A spatiotemporal decay model of human mobility when facing large-scale crises" has been accepted in PNAS, Congratulations to Weiyu.
[Jun 2022] Our paper "Estimating comparable distances to tipping points across mutualistic systems by scaled recovery rates" has been accepted in Nature Ecology & Evolution. Congratulations to Huixin.
[Mar 2022] Our paper "Network Resilience" has been accepted in Physics Reports. Congratulations Xueming and Manqing.
[Mar 2022] Chunheng Jiang defended his Ph.D. thesis titled MEAN-FIELD APPROACHES FOR NETWORK INFERENCE AND LEARNING. Congratulations.
[Mar 2022] Zhenhan Huang defended his Master's thesis titled NETWORK GRAPH BASED NEURAL ARCHITECTURE SEARCH. Congratulations.
[Mar 2022] Omar Malik defended his Ph.D. thesis titled CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM SPREADING PROCESSESON DISORDERED AND COMPLEX NETWORKS. Congratulations.
[Mar 2022] Our paper "Vaccination and three non-pharmaceutical interventions determine the dynamics of COVID-19 in the US " has been accepted in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. Congratulations, Lu.
[Feb 2022] Our paper "Discrimination reveals reconstructability of multiplex networks from partial observations" has been accepted in Communications Physics. Congratulations, Mincheng.
[Feb 2022] Our paper "Identifying the shifting sources to predict the dynamics of COVID-19 in the U.S." has been accepted in Chaos. Congratulations, Yanchao.
[Feb 2022] Our paper "A Network Observability Framework for Sensor Placement in Flood Control Networks to Improve Flood Situational Awareness and Risk Management" has been published in Reliability Engineering & System Safety.
[Jan 2022] Our paper "Modest flooding can trigger catastrophic road network collapse due to compound failure" has been accepted for publication on Communications Earth & Environment. Congratulations to Shangjia.
[Jan 2022] Our paper "Reviving a failed network through microscopic interventions" has been published online in Nature Physics, Congratulations to Hillel. Thanks also to P. Desrosiers & X. Roy-Pomerleau for their excellent overview (One for all)
[Nov 2021] Our papers "Percolation of temporal hierarchical mobility networks during COVID-19" and "Data science approaches to confronting the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative review" are online today. Congratulations to Haoyu He and Qingpeng Zhang. The first paper is featured as the cover story.
[Oct 2021] Thanks to IBM AIRCI to continue the support of our research on "Training Neural Network with Few-Shot Data and Applications to AI automation".
[Oct 2021] Our paper "Vaccination intentions generate racial disparities in the societal persistence of COVID-19" has been published in Scientific Reports, Congratulations Yanchao and Alina.
[Sep 2021] Our paper "Universality of noise-induced resilience restoration of ecological systems" has been accepted for publication in Communications Physics, Congratulations Cheng.
[Sep 2021] Our paper "From data to complex network control of airline flight delays" has been accepted for publication in the Scientific Reports, Congratulations Xiang and Chunheng.
[Aug 2021] Our paper "Nuclear Reaction Network Unveils Novel Reaction Patterns Based on Stellar Energies" has been accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physics, Congratulations Chunheng.
[July 2021] Our paper "Polarization and Tipping Points" has been accepted for publication on PNAS, Congratulations Manqing.
[June 2021] Thanks to COVID-19 Research Database for supporting our research "Harness network science to reduce treatment resource disparities and social disadvantage".
[June 2021] Our paper "High-resolution human mobility data reveal race and wealth disparities in disaster evacuation patterns" has been published on Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
[April 2021] Thanks National Science Foundation for supporting our research on Network Resilience.
[Mar 2021] Our paper "Country distancing increase reveals the effectiveness of travel restrictions in stopping COVID-19 transmission" has been accepted on Communication Physics. Congratulations Lu Zhong.
[Mar 2021] Our paper "Concurrence Percolation in Quantum Networks" has been accepted on Physical Review Letters. Congratulations Xiangyi Meng.
[Mar 2021] Our paper "Heuristic assessment of choices for risk network control" has been accepted on Scientific Reports. Congratulations Xiang Niu.
[Nov 2020] Our paper "Robustness and lethality in multilayer biological molecular networks" has been published on Nature Communications. Congratulations Xueming Liu.
[Nov 2020] Our paper "Inferring Degrees from Incomplete Networks and Nonlinear Dynamics" has been published in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Congratulations Chunheng Jiang.
[Nov 2020] Our paper "True Nonlinear Dynamics from Incomplete Networks" has been published in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI Technical Track: AI and the Web). Congratulations Chunheng Jiang.
[Nov 2020] News release about "New COVID-19 Model Reveals Need for Better Travel Restriction Implementation".
[Aug 2020] Our paper "Nonlinear model of cascade failure in weighted complex networks considering overloaded edges" has been published on Scientific Reports. Congratulations Chaoyang Chen.
[Jul 2020] Our paper "Co-adaptation enhances the resilience of mutualistic networks" has been published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. Congratulations Huixin Zhang.
[Jul 2020] Our paper "Multiple metastable network states in urban traffic" has been published on PNAS. Congratulations Guanwen Zeng.
[Jun 2020] Thanks to IBM AIRCI to support our research on "Training Neural Network with Few-Shot Data and Applications to AI automation".